The Town Of Baie Verte has infrastructures and activities required for most every recreational activity, whether inside or out - winter or summer. Facilities include an outdoor swimming pool, stadium, school gymnasium, bowling alley, snowshoe trail, soccer field, softball field, tennis courts and playground.
There are many great athletes in Baie Verte. There have been personal and team achievements in many sports - volleyball, bowling, hockey, swimming, basketball, etc. The town also has a very successful Sea Cadet Corps that has young people involved from all over the Baie Verte Peninsula.
Additionally, the town of Baie Verte holds an annual three day festival, Spree By The Sea to celebrate its civic holiday. This event is held on the 2nd weekend of August.
Recreation Facilities & Activities:
Centennial Park & Playground Outdoor Swimming Pool (Aqua Fitness, Swim Team, Swim Lessons) Soccer Field Softball Field Tommy Rickets Arena Bowling Alley Tennis Courts Sea Cadet Corps Sparks & Brownies Field Games |